Category : 3. Segments

Introduction The Segments’ feature within the system facilitates some of the most powerful aspects of the platform, such as reporting, rules-based information, collection of data/reporting and hyper-specific division of the client base for various purposes.  A segment is functionally a subset of the entities within the system database. For example, a segment named All Companies […]…

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Step 1 In order to add a Segment, users should first select Segments from the tabs at the top of the screen. The system will then present a list of all the segments that are currently available. Step 2 Next, users should click on Add Entity Segment at the top right of the screen. This […]…

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When a segment is created in the system it is possible to use the existing segment A to further specify how segments B, C and D are applied within the database. This internal referencing can be used to refine reports, rules and requirements and is one of the most powerful aspects of the system. Segments […]…

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Step 1 From the menu at the top of the screen, users should click on Segments. The system will then display a list of all the segments that are currently created within your system. Step 2 Users can then search for and click on the segment they wish to view. Step 3 Within the segment […]…

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