Interface Risk: Reconfiguring InScope Risk Scores using Simplified Rules Part 3

This article provides a step-by-step guide to reconfiguring risk scores based on various interface factors, using InScope’s new Simplified Rules feature.

Simplified Rules allow you to easily reconfigure various aspects of your InScope setup. As part of InScope 7.5, we released the Simplified Rules feature for the Jurisdiction risk pillar, as detailed in our previous post. As part of version 7.7, this functionality has also been extended to Interface risk as specified below.

One or more risk pillars within your Customer Risk Assessment are based on the values associated with the Delivery Channels and Face to Face options in your setup. The “Interface” risk pillar is a common example of the pillar that is used to collate these values for the assessment. Traditionally, such risk pillars were set up using segments. While segments can still be used, you can now leverage our Simplified Rules feature that allows you to define:

First you will need to go through the ‘Risk Settings’ Page:

Face to Face options:

N.B Click the Edit button in the top right to change these values

As you can see, there are three factors that go into the face to face status of an entity.

  1. Level at which face to face is defined. 

This refers to whether you will choose the face to face status for each entity, or if the Face to face status will be defined by how many UBO’s have been met face to face.

Individual – this will cause inscope to calculate the face to face status based on the individuals in the structure (I.E UBO’s/Directors) that have been marked as face to face, how many individuals are required is defined by the next factor

Entity – This means that InScope will take the face to face value assigned to the entity itself (including legal persons) as the face to face status, and will not factor in the face to face status of the UBO’s or Director

  1. How is face to face status of Non-individuals calculated

This is only necessary if you are defining face to face at the individual level, and will give you a number of options for how many Individuals need to be face to face before a non-individual is considered face to face:

  • Highest Risk across all UBO’s

This means that all UBO’s must have face to face as yes for the entity to be considered face to face

  • Lowest risk across all UBO’s and Directors

This means at least one UBO or Director must be face to face for the entity to be considered face to face.

  •  Lowest Risk across all UBO’s

This will make InScope consider an entity face to face if at least 1 UBO is face to face.

3. Face to Face options

In the screenshot above, you can see that there are 2 options for face to face presently. One ‘Yes’ option  and one ‘No’ option.

You can add as many Yes and No options as you feel are necessary, and adding risk scores for all combinations of Y/N + Delivery Channel.

E.g. Face to face option ‘YES’ + Delivery channel ‘CSP 1’ = Interface Risk 2  

Once  you are happy with these options, simply click ‘Save’ at the bottom of the page to be returned to the interface risk pillar.

4. Delivery Channels

Next you will need to add appropriate delivery channels, such as Walk in, Referred by existing clients, or even a named introducer.

(If you do not know how to do this you can see our help article here)
After you have added delivery channels, you should set risk scores for your face to face and none face to face options, as seen below:

To add or change risk scores, you simply need to click the edit button in the top right of the box, to be taken to the below screen:

When you click on a delivery channel the following box will appear, allowing you to enter risk scores as previously described.

Once you have entered the required risk scoring click ‘Save’ to update your Delivery Channel Risk.

5. Conclusion

This should conclude your Interface Risk configuration, with Segments and risk scores being automatically generated as per the below: