8.6 How to Conduct External Searches

Within the system, external searches can be conducted for all entities.

In order for users to conduct a manual external search, users must first access the profile of the entity to which the external search is being carried out on.

Step 1

For example, to perform a manual external search on an individual, users should first click on the Individuals tab at the top of the screen.

Then from the list of individuals, users should search for and select the relevant profile.

Step 2

In the individual’s profile, users should select the Searches menu within the Manage section.

Step 3

The left-hand box will let the user switch between different search profiles that have already been created within the system.

The right-hand section shows the user a brief overview of the last conducted external search.

Under the Manual Searches section, the user can choose to run EU and UN sanctions for free by clicking on the Run Now button.

In case StartKYC credits have already been purchased by the user, and the StartKYC account linked with InScope-AML, an adverse media search can be trigger by clicking on Run Now next to the StartKYC field. A manual triggered search will also spend a StartKYC credit.

Alternatively, the user can decide to run both searches at the same time, by clicking in Run All.

N.B. Keep in mind that EU and UN sanction searches are conducted every day, and entities within the scope of StartKYC are under ongoing monitor. Therefore, should there be any match relating to an individual, it will come up as a warning at the beginning of the day.